"The Last Fiction" is the first animated feature film made entirely in Iran. This contemporary looking crowd-favorite film played in countless film festivals and received multiple awards. Based on classic 1000-year old Persian literature, "The Book of Kings," - this epic animated film follows the young hero Afaridoun, who is destined to save the kingdom's people from the darkness. King Zahak, who made a pact to seize the throne, is now haunted by his evil deeds, and his nightmares. Afaridoun must conquer his own inner demons before he can battle Zahak's dark forces and restore peace to the kingdom... Film IMDB PAGE See everywhere this film is available HERE Length: 100 mins. Language: English Presented through our partnership with FilmFest Distribution and the Los Angeles Animated Film Festival
The Lightest Darkness
When a neurotic private eye who struggles to finish the case takes a train voyage to confront the inevitability of his case's conclusion, his own dark secrets begin to reveal themselves.
After a brutal dictatorship falls in South America, a wealthy but fractured family returns from exile in America to reclaim their lives. However, the new government marks the father and his family as collaborators with the old regime, and they and others on a death list must survive 12 hours of being hunted by vigilantes and prove their innocence to earn the right to live - if they can band together and stay alive.
The life of private eye, Mort Madison, is spiraling downward, when a beguiling, slightly familiar woman hires him for his most unusual case. Starring comedian Matt Rife, who is a huge stand up comedy star with over 20 million followers and a Netflix special.
The Truth will Out
Thomas Laboss, the host of Hard Streets UK, hits the road interviewing families and different culture across the UK, uncovering the truth and being his usual exploitative self... But there's something a bit more sinister about this new family, and he may not get out of this one alive.
In the Viking Age in Norway, sisters Sn frid and White-Star have taken different paths in life. Sn frid is a witch and medium to the Gods, while White-Star has turned into an outlaw viking. After White-Star kills the son of the king during a battle, the insane Queen Gunhild gives Sn frid an ultimatum: the queen will have Sn frid's husband killed, unless Sn frid assassinates her own sister.
The World is a Beautiful Place and I Am Not Afraid to Die

THOMAS, a quintessential aging virgin decides to attend his high school reunion to win the heart of a girl who never knew he existed. He recruits his two childhood friends to accompany him: DARREL a recently divorced stock-broker who is contemplating suicide and JIMMY a bohemian, alcoholic musician. Together these three uncommon companions embark on a pilgrimage through the American landscape and their own souls. What they find on the way may change them forever.

Featuring Damien D Smith, Celeste Octavia, and tons of other cameo players from Joe Bizarro’s Brides of Satan.
Things Fall Apart
A strange artifact is passed around during a dinner party, while each guest admiring it, they each cryptically describe various sentiments and ill-feelings. And when one of the guests goes to use the bathroom, he makes a horrific discovery in the sink -- it's full of blood and detritus mixed with the skin from a human face!
Two notorious convicts, Quaid and Kurk, escape from prison, and as they flee the country, they abduct a seemingly random woman, using her as a hostage to protect themselves from the pursuing police. But Quaid has hidden motives for the abduction that Kurk doesn't know about, and when he finds out, high emotions lead to a deadly game of cat-and-mouse fueled by jealously, deceit, lust, and murder.
A brutal double bill, featuring Violated: A crazed filmmaker mixes fiction with reality as his failing film career pushes him to make a snuff film. Followed by The Bleed: Three women stuck in a public toilet discover everything isn't all as it seems, and tensions rise as they realize a grave mistake may have been made.
Six co-stars receive the shocking news that their beloved TV show is on the verge of cancellation. Determined not to let their careers fade, they decide to take matters into their own hands and create their own film. Their ambitious project takes a dark turn when they inadvertently summon a malevolent spirit. What starts as a lighthearted endeavor quickly escalates into a series of unexpected and terrifying consequences, blending humor with horror in a unique and thrilling way.
Welder, The
CUT, WELD, STITCH, REPEAT. A young woman is haunted by a traumatic event she experienced while in the military. Her boyfriend takes her to a secluded ranch to help relieve her anxiety and panic attacks. But once there, they find themselves in a fight for their lives as they attempt to elude a dangerously insane former doctor and his demented human experiments.The Welder was filmed over the course of 9 days in the heat of the Florida Everglades on a shoestring budget as a testament to the indie filmmaking spirit.
Chaos erupts as Santa Claus undergoes a startling transformation into a fearsome werewolf. Lucy captures this bizarre event on camera. With only a rusty ice skate and her limited knowledge of werewolves amassed from horror comics, Lucy and her family embark on an adventure to save Christmas. 'Werewolf Santa' is a unique holiday film that blurs the lines between quirky family drama and spine-tingly horror fantasy, offering an unconventional twist on the Christmas movie genre.
White Night
Six stories, five directors, one night! The film unfolds during Nuit Blanche, a massive annual all night, city wide, art festival. It follows six different interweaving stories -- an artist questioning her place in the world; a fired lawyer who dons a superhero mask; two high school friends reuniting in a way that might finally become more; a lost traveller constrained by a language barrier; an altered observer who lives to capture life through his lens; and a dedicated volunteer, more focused on others than the art. All are in a period of transition in their lives, and on this one night, they will all come together, connecting, and changing each others lives forever.
A group of criminals seek refuge in the remote and rugged Irish countryside after executing an audacious and highly lucrative robbery. With the spoils of their crime in hand, they believe they've found the perfect hideout to lay low and plan their escape. However, as they settle into their isolated surroundings, it quickly becomes apparent that their troubles are far from over.
A tormented young woman haunted by a recurring dream is catapulted into a peculiar and deviant world where she is confronted by the duality of her existence.

Showing 161–176 of 181 results