Asura Girl
A live-action movie based on the popular animation series “Blood C” by Production I.G and CLAMP. Set in Japan before World War II, a captain of the fascist Special Political Police (the “SPP”) was murdered in a small village. During a brutal investigation conducted by the SPP, tensions between the SPP and villagers grow, and soon the conflict leads to violence – and the sudden appearance of the mysterious, sword-wielding “Asura Girl”!
Directed by: OKU SHUTARO
Japanese Language, with optional English subtitles.
2022, Japan.
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Land of Genesis
Daniel returns to his childhood home in a small town in Israel after living abroad for many years. He seeks out Lilah, who was the love of his life that remained in his town when he left. Lilah, a former ballet teacher, has been paralyzed and bedridden for the past three years. Realizing her situation, Daniel is going to commit an unbelievable act of love.The film deals with the conflict between religious tradition and the freedom to choose your fate.
Hebrew Language with optional English Subtitles.Acre Dreams
Don’t Forget Me
Tom's doctor at the Eating Disorder Clinic where she is committed says that she's getting better. The thought of getting healthy and heavy scares her. It looks like it is going to be the worst day of her life. And then Tom meets Neil, a socially awkward tuba player. Together they try to escape from their lives and all that is considered socially acceptable.
Don't Forget Me is a dark yet heartwarming indie comedy about the need to be out of your mind in order to fall madly in love. Presented in Hebrew language, with optional English subtitles. WINNER, BEST FILM, Tarkovsky International Film Festival 2017, Russia WINNER, BEST FILM, BEST ACTOR, BEST ACTRESS, Torino International Film Festival 2017, Italy WINNER, CNC AWARD, Jerusalem Film Festival 2017Land of the Little People
In this loaded political allegory, four young kids clash with two army deserters in a fight over territory.
The film is presented in it's original language, Hebrew, with optional English and Spanish subtitles.Related Videos
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On The Edge
The extraordinary story of Avner, who was a champion in skydiving and base jumping. When he was 28, he jumped off a bridge in California, crashed to the ground and became paralyzed. Through touching encounters and rare photographs, the gap between his life before and after the accident is revealed.
50 min. Hebrew Language with English subtitles.Killer Piñata
A possessed piñata, seeking to avenge the savagery that humanity has inflicted on his kind, picks off a group of friends, one by one, in an unending night of terror.
"So silly it's good!" rave the critics of this you-gotta-see-it-to-believe-it film. After watching this film, you'll only have one question on your mind: What will they think of next? Director: Stephen Tramontana. Starring: Eliza-Jane Morris, Billy Chengary, Lindsay AshcroftPhoenix
Phoenix, 32 years old, was born and raised in the African Hebrew Israelite community, located in the city of Dimona, the desert of Israel. As a child, he was sexually abused for a long period of time. Phoenix decides to return to his community and his parents, who didn't protect him. He wants to understand how everyone turned a blind eye for all those years.
Hebrew and English, with English subtitles.Beneath the Silence
Six years after the Six Day War, Menashe, a decorated war veteran, is still deeply traumatized by his experiences as a soldier. He withdraws from society.. His young wife Daphna and their 10-year old son Shlomi suffer under his silence and rejection.
Directed by: Erez Mizrahi and Sahar Shavit Starring : Amos Tamam, Adva Bole, Roy Fink. Eran Ivanir, Ben Sela, Yahav Sabag, Michal Levi, Shalom Korem, Yael Yekel, Shai Zabib, Tom Kroitero Winner Best European Feature Film Tirana International Film Festival Best Narrative Feature Film Somerville International Film Festival Best Actress Award Shanghai International Film Festival Best Narrative Feature Film Sydney World Film Festival Hebrew language with English optional subtitlesMask of Thorn
A British indie slasher film that is part 80's homage, part contemporary thriller and all badass!
Bethany Lovell has struggled to fit in her whole life. That is until Avondale's popular kids kidnap her for a surprise birthday party to celebrate her sweet sixteen. What they don't realize is that Bethany is now the target of the urban legend known as 'Thorn' and tonight Thorn has returned for her and nothing will stand in his way. The Bloodletting Behemoth cuts his way through the small town in search of his latest victim and only one person can stop him! Directed by MJ Dixon. Starring: Eve Oliver, Sophie Bryant, Maria Lee Metheringham Available also on Blu Ray: And on DVD disc-on-demand:’s Blessing
Killer BBQ
A local landmark BBQ stand becomes the focus of a dogged investigation by the tenacious new female deputy when she realizes that multiple people have gone missing from the small town. She teams up with one of the town locals whose family disappeared 30 years before; and it becomes quickly evident that they might not be able to trust anyone else in town as bloody mayhem ensues.
Killer BBQ is the creation of director Joe Betancourt, the film champions the grizzly and gritty horror of films like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes. An underground cult hit, the film is now finally becoming available to audiences everywhere!
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